Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blog #11

I think I'm going to have to disagree on banning the topics. These are all topics that have to do what day to day life. They all have an impact on society and are very controversial. These are the main topic of today. Every day we hear something about these 7 topics. The abortion bill that's been going back and forth in our State Senate. Also the gun laws that nationally they are trying to change and just this week our social net work blew up on the topic of gay marriage! To me these are three very important topics. As for the death plenty I am torn so I can't take a side on this. I would be open to reading papers on this to try to decide my stand on the topic. I think everyone who has an option that like to inform everyone else of it should at least be able to listen to the other side so see if you may learn or understand someone else's views and know that in this world we will never all agree!! To me this makes it also harder to find a topic. These are easy day to day topics that I feel would be easy to write about and get good sources and surveys.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Blog # 10

                I had not heard that school are discussing giving student’s money for good grades. I think there are both positives and negatives of this. Doing this may give some students a push to do better in school. So parents may not be able to give this incentive to their child. I think this could really help in behavior in schools also. But doing this is it going to cause us to pay more taxes? Also are kids going to spend this money on things they shouldn’t be and if so will this come back on the school as their fault because that is where the child got the money. There are many people that don’t will blame everything else on someone else if they can get away with it. Makes me wonder if it will put more on the school for liability. All in all I think this would be a good thing. It may give students the push they need to go step nest step in doing better in school. But I think to push the negatives to the side they might could do gift cards instead. Like to local restaurants and maybe even Walmart.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


     The whole marijuana topic really makes no sense to me. It is great that it helps with the nausea of cancer treatment and takes peoples nerves away. To me it is the same as smoking and drinking! I don't think it is any worse for you. I think the big deal that has been made about marijuana has given it a bad wrap to say. My personal option is that it isn't as big of a deal that people makes it out to be. And if the government would really think about legalizing it and TAXING it this big budget cut could have been ovoid. I think along with smoking and drinking alcohol there should be an age on it but to me I do not think it would harm our country like everyone goes on about. I think it could also help with crime in some ways even. I think the pro on this topic to legalize totally out weight the cons. I think it would take a little rebellion out of minors in some ways too. Because most go threw an age of wanting to do everything they are not suppose to. It could take away some of that desire if we would stop making such a big deal about it. I am all for legalizing marijuana. I do not think it will do any more harm than other thing that are legalized!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I most definitely have to pick Patrick Swayze for my biography paper! He played in some of the greatest movies ever Dirty Dancing and Road House! I’m pretty sure my husband thinks Road House is the Bible! Dancing has been a big part of my life growing up so Dirty Dance we watched a thousand times or more. When I started looking in to him for this paper I didn’t realize that he had been to many different dance schools! This makes him even more amazing of course! I would have loved to meet this great man. He was really the first person I saw cancer literally eat away. It was like you could see him slowly dieing before your eyes. Never realized how terrible pancreatic cancer was until seeing him wither away. His film and TV career spanned for 30 years that is something that is quite an achievement, Also being awarded the sexiest man alive in 1991. He was a great man that accomplished so much in his life and he truly fought everyday till the end. He wasn't one to give up. I am excited to write my paper on him and to learn so much more about him!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


       WOW!! So after reading the article I had to do some research on this.. It really blew my mind that girls are thinking this way. Before I had my little girl I was small but it was from working out and eating healthy. That was something my husband and I enjoined doing together. Now I'm about 20 pounds heavier after having Ash and I get more complements about how good I look now than before when I was super thin. I think some women have what they are supposed to look like twisted. There is a difference between being thin health and this Thinspo thing!! At first watching these videos I didn’t know if it was just a joke or if they were making fun of these girls. I mean with the music and some of the sayings that go with them it was hard for me to tell if they were serious or not! I had to watch many of them before I came to my conclusion on them. It really just blows my mind. Every man I have ever talked to seems to want something REAL not these tiny models. Curves are what’s attractive not BONES! I know this is totally my opinion, but my big thing is being health doesn’t matter your size really. Everyone is built differently and no two people are alike. Being healthy and feeling good is all that matters to me not what the scale says or the size of my pants!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Blog #6

     I feel as though when it comes to topics like this we need to be realistic. As in are these issues something just for adults or do these kids see or live these topics every day. I think we should maybe do like they have with movies. I am totally opposed to trying to shut children out and act like bad things or whatever it maybe don’t happen. We need to prepare them as much as possible so if ever a situation may arise they have any idea of what it is and how to handle things. I don’t think books should be banned to say but maybe an age limit on them. Say the books about drugs and death. That is something that happens unfortunately to are youth every day. So why ban something that may could help or make them think twice even before making a mistake that may coast their lives. How about these love novel most teen girls are wrapped up in the thought of love. Letting them read some love stores that may seem realistic could be help to them. I feel like many of these stories that people think are not acceptable could teach them something. I feel as though people would rather keep the young in the dark then to let them see the real world.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blog #5

       For my literary analyses paper I am going to use Ernest Hemingway’s story “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”. In this story Hemingway’s “hero code” is very clear. I feel that there I plenty of information and examples to show that way he writes about his characters. He made them both very different. The way he made Robert Wilson in the story a very bold man with no weaknesses that was afraid of nothing, and then made the Francis Macomber less manly more fearful. Francis also had a wife that did not bow down to him, she was strong wiled. I feel that I will be able to find plenty of sources on this topic too. Also, a reason I choose this story is for me this is the only story I completely understood. Some of the other stories dialect was too much for me to fully fallow. I wouldn’t understand and would have to reread several times. This short story by Hemingway was differently one of my favorites and caught my interest. I don't read much and it is hard for me to find things that I am interested so this story had a lot of pluses to it!